10 #include "config/hal.h"
11 #include "config/apps.h"
62 volatile uint16_t FaultRecoveryCounter=0;
83 volatile uint16_t retval=1;
84 static bool pre_fault_active=
117 FaultRecoveryCounter = 0;
141 volatile uint16_t retval=1;
197 volatile uint16_t retval=1;
242 volatile uint16_t retval=1;
285 volatile uint16_t retval=1;
328 volatile uint16_t retval=1;
Maximum number of restart cycles: Fault state will be latched until CPU reset or power cycle.
over current protection trip Delay conversion macro
under voltage lock out recovery delay conversion nacro
over voltage lock out trip delay conversion nacro
regulation error recovery delay conversion macro
regulation error trip delay conversion macro
over current protection recovery delay conversion nacro
over voltage lock out recovery delay conversion nacro
Conversion Macros of Fault Response Timing Settings.
Under Voltage LOck Out voltage.
Under Voltage LOck Out voltage.
Over Voltage LOck Out voltage.
Over Voltage LOck Out voltage.
Macro calculating the integer number equivalent of the maximum allowed output voltage deviation given...
Macro calculating the integer number equivalent of the maximum allowed output voltage deviation given...
Over Current Limit.
Over Current Release Level.
volatile uint16_t appFaultMonitor_Initialize(void)
Initialization of user-defined fault objects.
volatile uint16_t appFaultMonitor_Execute(void)
Application wide fault object monitoring routine.
volatile uint16_t appFaultMonitor_Dispose(void)
Function clearing all fault object settings.
volatile struct FAULT_OBJECT_s fltobj_BuckUVLO
Under Voltage Lock Out Fault Object.
volatile struct FAULT_OBJECT_s fltobj_BuckOCP
Over Current Protection Fault Object.
volatile struct FAULT_OBJECT_s fltobj_BuckOVLO
Over Voltage Lock Out Fault Object.
volatile struct FAULT_OBJECT_s fltobj_BuckRegErr
Regulation Error Fault Object.
volatile uint16_t ocp_FaultInitialize(void)
Initializes the user-defined fault objects for overcurrent protection.
volatile uint16_t regerr_FaultInitialize(void)
Initializes the user-defined fault objects for regulation error.
volatile uint16_t uvlo_FaultInitialize(void)
Initializes the user-defined fault objects for under-voltage lockout.
volatile uint16_t ovlo_FaultInitialize(void)
Initializes the user-defined fault objects for overvoltage lockout.
volatile uint16_t drv_FaultHandler_CheckObject(volatile struct FAULT_OBJECT_s *fltObject)
Check current fault status of a user-defined fault object.
volatile struct FAULT_OBJECT_s fltObjectClear
Clears the fault objects.
volatile uint16_t appPowerSupply_Resume(void)
This function resumes the power supply operation.
volatile uint16_t appPowerSupply_Suspend(void)
This function stops the power supply operation.
volatile struct BUCK_CONVERTER_s buck
Global data object for a BUCK CONVERTER.
struct FLT_OBJECT_STATUS_s::@111::@113 bits
volatile uint16_t * ptrObject
Pointer to register or variable which should be monitored.
volatile uint16_t bitMask
Bit mask will be &-ed with source as value (use 0xFFFF for full value comparison)
volatile uint16_t(* ptrResponseFunction)(void)
pointer to a user-defined function called when a defined fault monitoring event is detected
volatile uint16_t eventThreshold
Bit mask will be &-ed with source as value (use 0xFFFF for full value comparison)
volatile uint16_t compareThreshold
Signal level at which the fault condition will be detected.
This data structure is a collection of data structures for fault handling.
volatile struct FLT_OBJECT_STATUS_s Status
Status word of this fault object.
volatile struct FLT_COMPARE_OBJECT_s ReferenceObject
Reference object the source should be compared with.
volatile uint16_t Counter
Fault event counter (controlled by FAULT HANDLER)
volatile struct FLT_EVENT_RESPONSE_s TripResponse
Settings defining the fault trip event.
volatile struct FLT_COMPARE_OBJECT_s SourceObject
Object which should be monitored.
volatile struct FLT_EVENT_RESPONSE_s RecoveryResponse
Settings defining the fault recovery event.
struct BUCK_CONVERTER_STATUS_s::@126::@128 bits
data structure for single bit addressing operations
struct BUCK_STATE_ID_s::@129::@131 bits
volatile uint16_t v_out
BUCK output voltage.
volatile uint16_t i_out
BUCK common output current.
volatile uint16_t v_in
BUCK input voltage.
volatile uint16_t v_ref
User reference setting used to control the power converter controller.
volatile struct BUCK_STATE_ID_s state_id
BUCK state machine operating state ID.
volatile struct BUCK_CONVERTER_STATUS_s status
BUCK operation status bits.
volatile struct BUCK_CONVERTER_DATA_s data
BUCK runtime data.
volatile struct BUCK_CONVERTER_SETTINGS_s set_values
Control field for global access to references.