Digital Power Starter Kit 3 Firmware  DM330017-3, Rev.3.0
dsPIC33C Buck Converter Peak Current Mode Control Example
FLT_COMPARE_OBJECT_s Struct Reference

This data structure defines the data object which will be monitored by the fault handler. More...

#include <fault_handler/drivers/drv_fault_handler.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for FLT_COMPARE_OBJECT_s:
+ Collaboration diagram for FLT_COMPARE_OBJECT_s:

Data Fields

volatile uint16_t * ptrObject
 Pointer to register or variable which should be monitored. More...
volatile uint16_t bitMask
 Bit mask will be &-ed with source as value (use 0xFFFF for full value comparison) More...
- Data Fields inherited from FAULT_OBJECT_s
volatile struct FLT_OBJECT_STATUS_s Status
 Status word of this fault object. More...
volatile uint16_t Counter
 Fault event counter (controlled by FAULT HANDLER) More...
volatile struct FLT_COMPARE_OBJECT_s SourceObject
 Object which should be monitored. More...
volatile struct FLT_COMPARE_OBJECT_s ReferenceObject
 Reference object the source should be compared with. More...
volatile struct FLT_EVENT_RESPONSE_s TripResponse
 Settings defining the fault trip event. More...
volatile struct FLT_EVENT_RESPONSE_s RecoveryResponse
 Settings defining the fault recovery event. More...

Detailed Description

This data structure defines the data object which will be monitored by the fault handler.

Definition at line 104 of file drv_fault_handler.h.

Field Documentation

◆ bitMask

volatile uint16_t bitMask

Bit mask will be &-ed with source as value (use 0xFFFF for full value comparison)

Definition at line 107 of file drv_fault_handler.h.

◆ ptrObject

volatile uint16_t* ptrObject

Pointer to register or variable which should be monitored.

Definition at line 106 of file drv_fault_handler.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: