Digital Power Starter Kit 3 Firmware  DM330017-3, Rev.3.0
dsPIC33C Buck Converter Peak Current Mode Control Example

Generic power controller status word. More...

#include <power_control/devices/dev_buck_typedef.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for BUCK_CONVERTER_STATUS_s:
+ Collaboration diagram for BUCK_CONVERTER_STATUS_s:

Data Fields

union {
   struct {
      volatile bool   ready:1
 Bit #0: status bit, indicating buck converter is initialized and ready to run. More...
      volatile bool   adc_active:1
 Bit #1: indicating that ADC has been started and samples are taken. More...
      volatile bool   pwm_active:1
 Bit #2: indicating that PWM has been started and ADC triggers are generated. More...
      volatile bool   fault_active:1
 Bit #3: Flag bit indicating system is in enforced shut down mode (usually due to a fault condition) More...
      volatile bool   fault_latch:1
 Bit #4: Flag bit indicating system is in latched enforced shut down mode (requires manual clearance) More...
      volatile bool   cs_calib_complete:1
 Bit #5: indicating that current sensor calibration has completed. More...
      volatile bool   suspend:1
 Bit #6: Control bit to put the converter in suspend mode (turned off while ENABLE bit is still on) More...
      volatile bool   busy:1
 Bit #7: Flag bit indicating that the state machine is executing a process (e.g. startup-ramp) More...
      volatile bool   cs_calib_enable:1
 Bit #8: Flag bit indicating that current sensors need to calibrated. More...
      volatile bool   async_mode:1
 Bit #9: Control bit suspending the synchronous rectifier switch PWM channel. More...
      volatile   unsigned:1
 Bit #10: (reserved) More...
      volatile bool   GO:1
 Bit #13: When set, the GO-bit fires up the power supply. More...
      volatile bool   autorun:1
 Bit #14: Control bit determining if charger is starting automatically or on command (using the GO bit) More...
      volatile bool   enabled:1
 Bit #15: Control bit enabling/disabling the charger port. More...
   }   bits
 data structure for single bit addressing operations More...
   volatile uint16_t   value
- Data Fields inherited from BUCK_CONVERTER_s
volatile struct BUCK_CONVERTER_STATUS_s status
 BUCK operation status bits. More...
volatile struct BUCK_STATE_ID_s state_id
 BUCK state machine operating state ID. More...
volatile struct BUCK_CONVERTER_STARTUP_s startup
 BUCK startup timing settings. More...
volatile struct BUCK_CONVERTER_SETTINGS_s set_values
 Control field for global access to references. More...
volatile struct BUCK_CONVERTER_DATA_s data
 BUCK runtime data. More...
volatile struct BUCK_FEEDBACK_SETTINGS_s feedback
 BUCK converter feedback settings. More...
 BUCK converter switch node settings. More...
volatile struct BUCK_GPIO_SETTINGS_s gpio
 BUCK converter additional GPIO specification. More...
volatile struct BUCK_LOOP_SETTINGS_s v_loop
 BUCK voltage control loop object. More...
volatile struct BUCK_LOOP_SETTINGS_s i_loop [BUCK_NO_OF_PHASES]
 BUCK Current control loop objects. More...

Detailed Description

Generic power controller status word.

The power controller status/control word contains status (low-byte) and control bits (high-byte).

  1. Status Bits:
    • ADC_ACTIVE: ADC is active and running (read only)
    • PWM_STARTED: PWM is active and running generating ADC triggers (read only)
    • POWERSOURCE_DETECTED: A valid power source has been detected allowing the converter to run (read only)
    • CS_READ: Current sense feedback ready (read only)
    • FORCED_SHUT_DOWN: Control(Status bit for external software components forcing the converter to stay off
    • BUSY: Converter is currently going through an internal process (e.g. ramp up/down) (read only)
  2. Control Bits
    • ENABLE: Enables/Disables the power converter
    • AUTORUN: When set, the power converter will automatically start up once all status bits are set accordingly
    • GO: Control bit to manually start the power converter if (AUTOSTART=0)

Definition at line 205 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

Field Documentation


union { ... }

◆ adc_active

volatile bool adc_active

Bit #1: indicating that ADC has been started and samples are taken.

Definition at line 210 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ async_mode

volatile bool async_mode

Bit #9: Control bit suspending the synchronous rectifier switch PWM channel.

Definition at line 219 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ autorun

volatile bool autorun

Bit #14: Control bit determining if charger is starting automatically or on command (using the GO bit)

Definition at line 224 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.


struct { ... } bits

data structure for single bit addressing operations

◆ busy

volatile bool busy

Bit #7: Flag bit indicating that the state machine is executing a process (e.g. startup-ramp)

Definition at line 216 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ cs_calib_complete

volatile bool cs_calib_complete

Bit #5: indicating that current sensor calibration has completed.

Definition at line 214 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ cs_calib_enable

volatile bool cs_calib_enable

Bit #8: Flag bit indicating that current sensors need to calibrated.

Definition at line 218 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ enabled

volatile bool enabled

Bit #15: Control bit enabling/disabling the charger port.

Definition at line 225 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ fault_active

volatile bool fault_active

Bit #3: Flag bit indicating system is in enforced shut down mode (usually due to a fault condition)

Definition at line 212 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ fault_latch

volatile bool fault_latch

Bit #4: Flag bit indicating system is in latched enforced shut down mode (requires manual clearance)

Definition at line 213 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ GO

volatile bool GO

Bit #13: When set, the GO-bit fires up the power supply.

Definition at line 223 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ pwm_active

volatile bool pwm_active

Bit #2: indicating that PWM has been started and ADC triggers are generated.

Definition at line 211 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ ready

volatile bool ready

Bit #0: status bit, indicating buck converter is initialized and ready to run.

Definition at line 209 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ suspend

volatile bool suspend

Bit #6: Control bit to put the converter in suspend mode (turned off while ENABLE bit is still on)

Definition at line 215 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ unsigned

volatile unsigned

Bit #10: (reserved)

Bit #12: (reserved)

Bit #11: (reserved)

Definition at line 220 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ value

volatile uint16_t value

Definition at line 228 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: