Digital Power Starter Kit 3 Firmware  DM330017-3, Rev.3.0
dsPIC33C Buck Converter Peak Current Mode Control Example
FLT_EVENT_RESPONSE_s Struct Reference

This data structure defines the fault monitor event response object. More...

#include <fault_handler/drivers/drv_fault_handler.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for FLT_EVENT_RESPONSE_s:
+ Collaboration diagram for FLT_EVENT_RESPONSE_s:

Data Fields

volatile uint16_t compareThreshold
 Signal level at which the fault condition will be detected. More...
volatile uint16_t eventThreshold
 Bit mask will be &-ed with source as value (use 0xFFFF for full value comparison) More...
volatile uint16_t(* ptrResponseFunction )(void)
 pointer to a user-defined function called when a defined fault monitoring event is detected More...
- Data Fields inherited from FAULT_OBJECT_s
volatile struct FLT_OBJECT_STATUS_s Status
 Status word of this fault object. More...
volatile uint16_t Counter
 Fault event counter (controlled by FAULT HANDLER) More...
volatile struct FLT_COMPARE_OBJECT_s SourceObject
 Object which should be monitored. More...
volatile struct FLT_COMPARE_OBJECT_s ReferenceObject
 Reference object the source should be compared with. More...
volatile struct FLT_EVENT_RESPONSE_s TripResponse
 Settings defining the fault trip event. More...
volatile struct FLT_EVENT_RESPONSE_s RecoveryResponse
 Settings defining the fault recovery event. More...

Detailed Description

This data structure defines the fault monitor event response object.

Definition at line 118 of file drv_fault_handler.h.

Field Documentation

◆ compareThreshold

volatile uint16_t compareThreshold

Signal level at which the fault condition will be detected.

Definition at line 120 of file drv_fault_handler.h.

◆ eventThreshold

volatile uint16_t eventThreshold

Bit mask will be &-ed with source as value (use 0xFFFF for full value comparison)

Definition at line 121 of file drv_fault_handler.h.

◆ ptrResponseFunction

volatile uint16_t(* ptrResponseFunction) (void)

pointer to a user-defined function called when a defined fault monitoring event is detected

Definition at line 122 of file drv_fault_handler.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: