807// To calculate the voltage across the inductor, input and output voltage ADC results need to be normalized. The normalization factor is determined here
808// Each input voltage sample has to be multiplied with this scaling factor to allow the calculation of the instantaneous voltage across the inductor
1414/* ToDo: AGC is temporarily disabled for the boost converter and requires further verification
1416#define BOOST_VL_MINIMUM (float)(BOOST_VIN_UNDER_VOLTAGE) ///< Minimum input voltage - maximum output voltage
1417#define BOOST_VL_NOMINAL (float)(BOOST_VIN_NOMINAL) ///< Nominal input voltage - nominal output voltage
1418#define BOOST_VL_MAXIMUM (float)(BOOST_VIN_RANGE_MAX) ///< Maximum input voltage - output voltage = 0V
1420// The AGC compare value is defined at nominal input voltage and output voltage
1421// The maximum modulation factor is normalized to fractional '1' to prevent number overruns
1422#define BOOST_AGC_FACTOR_MAX (float)(BOOST_VL_NOMINAL / BOOST_VL_MINIMUM) ///< Floating point number of the maximumm limit of the adaptive gain modulation factor (float)
1423#define BOOST_AGC_NOM_SCALER (uint16_t)(ceil(log(BOOST_AGC_FACTOR_MAX)/log(2))) ///< Bit-shift scaler of the floating point number of the maimum limit of the adaptive gain modulation factor
1424#define BOOST_AGC_NOM_FACTOR (uint16_t)(0x7FFF >> BOOST_AGC_NOM_SCALER) ///< Fractional of the floating point number of the maimum limit of the adaptive gain modulation factor
1425#define BOOST_AGC_MEDIAN (int16_t)(((int16_t)(((float)BOOST_VIN_NOM * BOOST_VIN_NORM_FCT) - BOOST_VOUT_NOM))>>BOOST_AGC_NOM_SCALER) ///< Adaptive gain modulation factor at nominal operating point
1427// To calculate the voltage across the inductor, input and output voltage ADC results need to be normalized. The normalization factor is determined here
1428// Each input voltage sample has to be multiplied with this scaling factor to allow the calculation of the instantaneous voltage across the inductor
1433// Additional execution time calculation to be considered in trigger delay and overall control timing
1434#define BOOST_AGC_EXEC_DLY (uint16_t)(BOOST_AGC_EXECUTION_DELAY / PWM_CLOCK_PERIOD) ///< Macro calculating the integer number equivalent of the AGC algorithm computation time
1436*/// end of group adaptive-gain-control-macros-boost ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~