54 #include "power_control/drivers/npnz16b.h"
55 #include "config/hal.h"
74 BUCK_STAT_READY = 0b0000000000000001,
75 BUCK_STAT_ADC_ACTIVE = 0b0000000000000010,
76 BUCK_STAT_PWM_ACTIVE = 0b0000000000000100,
77 BUCK_STAT_POWERSOURCE_DETECTED = 0b0000000000001000,
78 BUCK_STAT_CS_SENSE_READY = 0b0000000000010000,
80 BUCK_STAT_FORCED_SHUT_DOWN = 0b0000000010000000,
81 BUCK_STAT_BUSY = 0b0000000100000000,
84 BUCK_STAT_GO = 0b0010000000000000,
85 BUCK_STAT_AUTORUN = 0b0100000000000000,
86 BUCK_STAT_NO_AUTORUN = 0b0000000000000000,
88 BUCK_STAT_ENABLED = 0b1000000000000000,
89 BUCK_STAT_DISABLED = 0b0000000000000000
138 BUCK_OPSRET_ERROR = 0x0000,
226 } __attribute__((packed))
volatile struct BUCK_CONVERTER_CONSTANTS_s BuckConverterConstants
Structure providing all public enumerated lists of constants.
Declaration of the number of power train phases of the Buck Converter.
Enumeration of state machine operating sub-states.
Enumeration of state machine operating state return values.
Enumeration of the power supply mode control.
Enumeration of status and control flags.
Enumeration of state machine operating states.
Structure providing all public enumerated lists of constants.
enum BUCK_STATUS_FLAGS_e StatusFlags
List of all status and control flags of the Buck Converter status word.
enum BUCK_OPSTATES_e OpStateOpCodes
List of State Machine Operating State IDs.
enum BUCK_SUBSTATES_e SubStateOpCodes
List of State Machine Sub-State IDs.
enum BUCK_CONTROL_MODE_e ControlModes
List of Supported Control Modes.
enum BUCK_OPSTATE_RETURNS_e OpStateReturnValues
List of State Machine Operating State Return Values.
Generic power controller status word.
volatile bool enabled
Bit #15: Control bit enabling/disabling the charger port.
volatile bool ready
Bit #0: status bit, indicating buck converter is initialized and ready to run.
volatile bool cs_calib_enable
Bit #8: Flag bit indicating that current sensors need to calibrated.
volatile unsigned
Bit #10: (reserved)
volatile bool pwm_active
Bit #2: indicating that PWM has been started and ADC triggers are generated.
volatile bool async_mode
Bit #9: Control bit suspending the synchronous rectifier switch PWM channel.
volatile bool fault_latch
Bit #4: Flag bit indicating system is in latched enforced shut down mode (requires manual clearance)
volatile bool busy
Bit #7: Flag bit indicating that the state machine is executing a process (e.g. startup-ramp)
struct BUCK_CONVERTER_STATUS_s::@126::@128 bits
data structure for single bit addressing operations
volatile bool suspend
Bit #6: Control bit to put the converter in suspend mode (turned off while ENABLE bit is still on)
volatile bool GO
Bit #13: When set, the GO-bit fires up the power supply.
volatile bool fault_active
Bit #3: Flag bit indicating system is in enforced shut down mode (usually due to a fault condition)
volatile bool autorun
Bit #14: Control bit determining if charger is starting automatically or on command (using the GO bit...
volatile bool adc_active
Bit #1: indicating that ADC has been started and samples are taken.
volatile bool cs_calib_complete
Bit #5: indicating that current sensor calibration has completed.
data structure for the buck statement ID for sub-operating and operating states
enum BUCK_SUBSTATES_e substate_id
Most recent operating state of active sub state machine.
enum BUCK_OPSTATES_e opstate_id
Most recent operating state of main state machine.
struct BUCK_STATE_ID_s::@129::@131 bits
Generic power controller startup period settings.
volatile uint16_t period
Soft-Start Period (POD, RAMP PERIOD, PGD, etc.)
volatile uint16_t ref_inc_step
Size/value of one reference increment/decrement or this period.
volatile uint16_t counter
Soft-Start Execution Counter (read only)
volatile uint16_t reference
Internal dummy reference used to increment/decrement controller reference.
Power Converter Startup Timing Settings.
volatile struct BUCK_STARTUP_PERIOD_HANDLER_s power_good_delay
volatile struct BUCK_STARTUP_PERIOD_HANDLER_s v_ramp
volatile struct BUCK_STARTUP_PERIOD_HANDLER_s power_on_delay
volatile struct BUCK_STARTUP_PERIOD_HANDLER_s i_ramp
Publicly accessible data buffer of most recent runtime data values.
volatile uint16_t control_input
BUCK most recent control input value (raw input)
volatile uint16_t v_out
BUCK output voltage.
volatile uint16_t i_out
BUCK common output current.
volatile uint16_t temp
BUCK board temperature.
volatile uint16_t control_output
BUCK most recent control output value.
volatile uint16_t control_error
BUCK most recent control error value.
volatile uint16_t i_sns[BUCK_NO_OF_PHASES]
BUCK output current.
volatile uint16_t v_in
BUCK input voltage.
Generic power controller control settings.
volatile uint16_t i_ref
User reference setting used to control the power converter controller.
volatile uint16_t v_ref
User reference setting used to control the power converter controller.
enum BUCK_CONTROL_MODE_e control_mode
Fundamental control mode.
volatile uint16_t no_of_phases
number of converter phases
User defined settings for control loops;.
void(* ctrl_Precharge)(volatile struct NPNZ16b_s *, volatile fractional, volatile fractional)
Function pointer to PRECHARGE routine.
volatile uint16_t maximum
output clamping value (maximum)
volatile uint16_t feedback_offset
Feedback offset value for calibration or bi-direction feedback signals.
volatile struct NPNZ16b_s * controller
pointer to control loop object data structure
void(* ctrl_Update)(volatile struct NPNZ16b_s *)
Function pointer to UPDATE routine.
void(* ctrl_Reset)(volatile struct NPNZ16b_s *)
Function pointer to RESET routine.
volatile uint16_t reference
Control loop reference variable.
volatile uint16_t trigger_offset
ADC trigger offset value for trigger fine-tuning.
volatile uint16_t(* ctrl_Initialize)(volatile struct NPNZ16b_s *)
Function pointer to INIT routine.
volatile uint16_t minimum
output clamping value (minimum)
Peak Current Mode Control Slope Compensation Settings.
volatile uint16_t dac_instance
Digital-to-analog converter instance used to generate the the slope compensation ramp.
volatile uint16_t duty_cycle_limit
Switch node duty cycle limit value.
volatile uint16_t slope_start_trigger
Period counter value at with the slope start is triggered.
volatile uint16_t cmp_input
Analog comparator input option A to D (0=A, 1=B, 2=C, 3=D)
volatile uint16_t pwm_trigger_input
PWM current limit PCI input source (must match comparator declared by cmp_instance)
volatile uint16_t slew_rate
Integer equivalent of compensation ramp slew rate in [V/µs].
volatile uint16_t cmp_instance
Analog comparator triggering on the peak current feedback signal.
volatile uint16_t slope_stop_trigger
Period counter value at with the slope stop is triggered.
volatile uint16_t * ptr_duty_cycle
Pointer to switch node duty cycle register.
volatile uint16_t initial_dac_value
Initial Digital-to-Analog converter reference value (used when peripheral is enabled or being reset)
Switching signal timing settings.
volatile struct BUCK_SLOPE_COMP_SETTINGS_s slope_compensation
Peak current mode slope compensation settings.
volatile uint16_t leb_period
Leading-Edge Blanking period.
volatile uint16_t period
Switching period.
volatile uint16_t adc_trigger_offset
PWM triggers for ADC will be offset by n cycles.
volatile uint16_t duty_ratio_init
Initial duty cycle when the PWM module is being turned on.
volatile uint16_t duty_ratio_max
Absolute duty cycle maximum during normal operation.
volatile bool sync_drive
Selecting if switch node is driven in synchronous or asnchronous mode.
volatile uint16_t gpio_low
GPIO port pin-number of PWMxL of the selected PWM generator.
volatile uint16_t duty_ratio_min
Absolute duty cycle minimum during normal operation.
volatile uint16_t dead_time_rising
Dead time setting at rising edge of a half-bridge drive.
volatile uint16_t gpio_instance
GPIO instance of the selected PWM generator.
volatile bool swap_outputs
Selecting if PWMxH (default) or PWMxL should be the leading PWM output.
volatile uint16_t gpio_high
GPIO port pin-number of PWMxH of the selected PWM generator.
volatile uint16_t phase
Switching signal phase-shift.
volatile uint16_t adc_trigger_scaler
PWM triggers for ADC will be generated every n-th cycle.
volatile bool high_resolution_enable
Selecting if PWM module should use high-resolution mode.
volatile uint16_t pwm_instance
number of the PWM channel used
volatile uint16_t dead_time_falling
Dead time setting at falling edge of a half-bridge drive.
volatile bool master_period_enable
Selecting MASTER or Individual period register.
ADC input signal scaling = (ADCBUF - <offset>) * <factor> >> 2^<scaler>
volatile int16_t factor
Fractional scaling factor (range -1 ... 0.99969)
volatile int16_t offset
Signal offset as signed integer to be subtracted from ADC input.
volatile int16_t scaler
Feedback bit-shift scaler used for number normalization.
ADC input channel configuration.
volatile bool early_interrupt_enable
input channel early interrupt enable bit
volatile bool enabled
input channel enable bit
volatile uint8_t adc_core
number of the ADC core connected to the selected channel
volatile uint8_t trigger_source
input channel trigger source
volatile struct BUCK_ADC_INPUT_SCALING_s scaling
normalization scaling settings
volatile bool interrupt_enable
input channel interrupt enable bit
volatile uint16_t gpio_instance
GPIO instance of the selected PWM generator.
volatile bool level_trigger
input channel level trigger mode enable bit
volatile bool signed_result
input channel singed result mode enable bit
volatile bool differential_input
input channel differential mode enable bit
volatile uint8_t adc_input
number of the ADC input channel used
volatile uint16_t * adc_buffer
pointer to ADC result buffer
Buck converter feedback declarations.
volatile struct BUCK_ADC_INPUT_SETTINGS_s ad_vin
ADC input sampling input voltage.
volatile struct BUCK_ADC_INPUT_SETTINGS_s ad_isns[BUCK_NO_OF_PHASES]
ADC input sampling phase current.
volatile struct BUCK_ADC_INPUT_SETTINGS_s ad_temp
ADC input sampling temperature.
volatile struct BUCK_ADC_INPUT_SETTINGS_s ad_vout
ADC input sampling output voltage.
GPIO instance of the converter control GPIO.
volatile bool enabled
Specifies, if this IO is used or not.
volatile uint16_t io_type
Input/Output definition (0=push-pull output, 1=input, 2=open-drain output)
volatile uint16_t port
GPIO port instance number (0=Port RA, 0=Port RB, 0=Port RC, etc.)
volatile uint16_t polarity
Output polarity, where 0=ACTIVE HIGH, 1=ACTIVE_LOW.
volatile uint16_t pin
GPIO port pin number.
GPIO instance of the converter control GPIO.
volatile struct BUCK_GPIO_INSTANCE_s EnableInput
External ENABLE input.
volatile struct BUCK_GPIO_INSTANCE_s PowerGood
Power Good Output.
BUCK control & monitoring data structure.
BUCK converter switch node settings.
volatile struct BUCK_LOOP_SETTINGS_s i_loop[BUCK_NO_OF_PHASES]
BUCK Current control loop objects.
volatile struct BUCK_STATE_ID_s state_id
BUCK state machine operating state ID.
volatile struct BUCK_CONVERTER_STATUS_s status
BUCK operation status bits.
volatile struct BUCK_FEEDBACK_SETTINGS_s feedback
BUCK converter feedback settings.
volatile struct BUCK_GPIO_SETTINGS_s gpio
BUCK converter additional GPIO specification.
volatile struct BUCK_LOOP_SETTINGS_s v_loop
BUCK voltage control loop object.
volatile struct BUCK_CONVERTER_DATA_s data
BUCK runtime data.
volatile struct BUCK_CONVERTER_SETTINGS_s set_values
Control field for global access to references.
volatile struct BUCK_CONVERTER_STARTUP_s startup
BUCK startup timing settings.
Generic NPNZ16b Controller Object. This data structure is the main API data object providing single-p...