Digital Power Starter Kit 3 Firmware  DM330017-3, Rev.3.0
dsPIC33C Buck Converter Peak Current Mode Control Example

PWM peripheral output pins, control signals and register assignments used to drive the buck converter. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Buck Converter:
 DAC peripheral register assignments of converter phase #1. More...
 PDM DAC referecne register. More...
 Analog comparator instance index. More...
#define BUCK_ACMPxIN   0U
 Analog comparator input selection (0=CMPxA, 1=CMPxB, 2=CMPxC, 3=CMPxD) More...
#define BUCK_PCMC_PGxPCIL_PSS   0b11011
 PWM PCI source selection (must match analog comparator instance declaration) More...

Detailed Description

PWM peripheral output pins, control signals and register assignments used to drive the buck converter.

Macro Definition Documentation



Analog comparator instance index.

Definition at line 435 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.


#define BUCK_ACMPxIN   0U

Analog comparator input selection (0=CMPxA, 1=CMPxB, 2=CMPxC, 3=CMPxD)

Definition at line 436 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.



DAC peripheral register assignments of converter phase #1.

When the on-board buck converter is being driven in peak current mode control, an additional PDM DAC and analog comparator peripheral is required to complement the PWM generation. All required peripheral register assignments are declared here. PDM DAC instance index

Definition at line 433 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.



PDM DAC referecne register.

Definition at line 434 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.


#define BUCK_PCMC_PGxPCIL_PSS   0b11011

PWM PCI source selection (must match analog comparator instance declaration)

Definition at line 437 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.