Digital Power Starter Kit 3 Firmware  DM330017-3, Rev.3.0
dsPIC33C Buck Converter Peak Current Mode Control Example

PWM peripheral output pins, control signals and register assignments used to drive the buck converter. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Buck Converter:
 PWM peripheral output pins, control signals and register assignments of converter phase #1. More...
 Number indicating device port, where 0=Port RA, 0=Port RB, 0=Port RC, etc. More...
 Port Pin Number. More...
 Port Pin Number. More...
#define BUCK_PWM_OUTPUT_SWAP   false
 true = PWMxH is the leading PWM output, false = PWMxL is the leading PWM output More...
#define BUCK_PWM_PDC   PG1DC
 PWM Instance Duty Cycle Register. More...
 PWM Instance I/O Control Register. More...
 Device Port TRIS register. More...
#define BUCK_PWMH_WR   _LATB14
 Device Pin WRITE. More...
#define BUCK_PWMH_RD   _RB14
 Device Pin READ. More...
#define BUCK_PWMH_RPx   (uint8_t)46
 Device Pin output remappable pin number (RPx) More...
 Device Port TRIS register. More...
#define BUCK_PWML_WR   _LATB15
 Device Pin WRITE. More...
#define BUCK_PWML_RD   _RB15
 Device Pin READ. More...
#define BUCK_PWML_RPx   (uint8_t)47
 Device Pin output remappable pin number (RPx) More...
#define _BUCK_PWM_Interrupt   _PWM1Interrupt
 PWM Interrupt Service Routine label. More...
#define BUCK_PWM_IF   _PWM1IF
 PWM Interrupt Flag Bit. More...
#define BUCK_PWM_IE   _PWM1IE
 PWM Interrupt Enable Bit. More...
#define BUCK_PWM_IP   _PWM1IP
 PWM Interrupt Priority. More...
#define BUCK_PWM_TRGSRC_TRG1   0b00100
 PWM Trigger #1 Trigger Source of this channel. More...
#define BUCK_PWM_TRGSRC_TRG2   0b00101
 PWM Trigger #2 Trigger Source of this channel. More...
 PWM trigger register A. More...
 PWM trigger register B. More...
 PWM trigger register C. More...
#define BUCK_PWM_ADTR1OFS   0U
 ADC Trigger 1 Offset: 0...31. More...
#define BUCK_PWM_ADTR1PS   0U
 ADC Trigger 1 Postscaler: 0...31. More...

Detailed Description

PWM peripheral output pins, control signals and register assignments used to drive the buck converter.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ _BUCK_PWM_Interrupt

#define _BUCK_PWM_Interrupt   _PWM1Interrupt

PWM Interrupt Service Routine label.

Definition at line 360 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.


#define BUCK_PWM_ADTR1OFS   0U

ADC Trigger 1 Offset: 0...31.

Definition at line 370 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.


#define BUCK_PWM_ADTR1PS   0U

ADC Trigger 1 Postscaler: 0...31.

Definition at line 371 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.



PWM peripheral output pins, control signals and register assignments of converter phase #1.

Converter phase #1 uses a simple half-bridge to commutate the switch node. The signal source therefore only requires a single PWM generator instance to be configured in fixed frequency complementary mode with dead times. Additional PWM peripheral features are used by the firmware to respond to interrupts, trigger ADC conversions, control device output pins during startup and fault responses and to change timing settings on the fly.

Please review the device data sheet for details about register names and settings. PWM Instance Index (e.g. 1=PWM1, 2=PWM2, etc.)

Definition at line 343 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.



Number indicating device port, where 0=Port RA, 0=Port RB, 0=Port RC, etc.

Definition at line 344 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.



Port Pin Number.

Definition at line 345 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.



Port Pin Number.

Definition at line 346 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.


#define BUCK_PWM_IE   _PWM1IE

PWM Interrupt Enable Bit.

Definition at line 362 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.


#define BUCK_PWM_IF   _PWM1IF

PWM Interrupt Flag Bit.

Definition at line 361 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.



PWM Instance I/O Control Register.

Definition at line 350 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.


#define BUCK_PWM_IP   _PWM1IP

PWM Interrupt Priority.

Definition at line 363 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.


#define BUCK_PWM_OUTPUT_SWAP   false

true = PWMxH is the leading PWM output, false = PWMxL is the leading PWM output

Definition at line 347 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.


#define BUCK_PWM_PDC   PG1DC

PWM Instance Duty Cycle Register.

Definition at line 349 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.



PWM trigger register A.

Definition at line 366 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.



PWM trigger register B.

Definition at line 367 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.



PWM trigger register C.

Definition at line 368 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.


#define BUCK_PWM_TRGSRC_TRG1   0b00100

PWM Trigger #1 Trigger Source of this channel.

Definition at line 364 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.


#define BUCK_PWM_TRGSRC_TRG2   0b00101

PWM Trigger #2 Trigger Source of this channel.

Definition at line 365 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.



Definition at line 373 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.


#define BUCK_PWMH_RD   _RB14

Device Pin READ.

Definition at line 353 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.


#define BUCK_PWMH_RPx   (uint8_t)46

Device Pin output remappable pin number (RPx)

Definition at line 354 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.



Device Port TRIS register.

Definition at line 351 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.


#define BUCK_PWMH_WR   _LATB14

Device Pin WRITE.

Definition at line 352 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.


#define BUCK_PWML_RD   _RB15

Device Pin READ.

Definition at line 357 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.


#define BUCK_PWML_RPx   (uint8_t)47

Device Pin output remappable pin number (RPx)

Definition at line 358 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.



Device Port TRIS register.

Definition at line 355 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.


#define BUCK_PWML_WR   _LATB15

Device Pin WRITE.

Definition at line 356 of file dpsk3_hwdescr.h.