Digital Power Starter Kit 3 Firmware  DM330017-3, Rev.3.0
dsPIC33C Buck Converter Peak Current Mode Control Example

Switching signal timing settings. More...

#include <power_control/devices/dev_buck_typedef.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for BUCK_SWITCH_NODE_SETTINGS_s:
+ Collaboration diagram for BUCK_SWITCH_NODE_SETTINGS_s:

Data Fields

volatile uint16_t pwm_instance
 number of the PWM channel used More...
volatile uint16_t gpio_instance
 GPIO instance of the selected PWM generator. More...
volatile uint16_t gpio_high
 GPIO port pin-number of PWMxH of the selected PWM generator. More...
volatile uint16_t gpio_low
 GPIO port pin-number of PWMxL of the selected PWM generator. More...
volatile bool swap_outputs
 Selecting if PWMxH (default) or PWMxL should be the leading PWM output. More...
volatile bool master_period_enable
 Selecting MASTER or Individual period register. More...
volatile bool high_resolution_enable
 Selecting if PWM module should use high-resolution mode. More...
volatile bool sync_drive
 Selecting if switch node is driven in synchronous or asnchronous mode. More...
volatile uint16_t period
 Switching period. More...
volatile uint16_t phase
 Switching signal phase-shift. More...
volatile uint16_t duty_ratio_init
 Initial duty cycle when the PWM module is being turned on. More...
volatile uint16_t duty_ratio_min
 Absolute duty cycle minimum during normal operation. More...
volatile uint16_t duty_ratio_max
 Absolute duty cycle maximum during normal operation. More...
volatile uint16_t dead_time_rising
 Dead time setting at rising edge of a half-bridge drive. More...
volatile uint16_t dead_time_falling
 Dead time setting at falling edge of a half-bridge drive. More...
volatile uint16_t leb_period
 Leading-Edge Blanking period. More...
volatile uint16_t adc_trigger_scaler
 PWM triggers for ADC will be generated every n-th cycle. More...
volatile uint16_t adc_trigger_offset
 PWM triggers for ADC will be offset by n cycles. More...
volatile struct BUCK_SLOPE_COMP_SETTINGS_s slope_compensation
 Peak current mode slope compensation settings. More...
- Data Fields inherited from BUCK_CONVERTER_s
volatile struct BUCK_CONVERTER_STATUS_s status
 BUCK operation status bits. More...
volatile struct BUCK_STATE_ID_s state_id
 BUCK state machine operating state ID. More...
volatile struct BUCK_CONVERTER_STARTUP_s startup
 BUCK startup timing settings. More...
volatile struct BUCK_CONVERTER_SETTINGS_s set_values
 Control field for global access to references. More...
volatile struct BUCK_CONVERTER_DATA_s data
 BUCK runtime data. More...
volatile struct BUCK_FEEDBACK_SETTINGS_s feedback
 BUCK converter feedback settings. More...
 BUCK converter switch node settings. More...
volatile struct BUCK_GPIO_SETTINGS_s gpio
 BUCK converter additional GPIO specification. More...
volatile struct BUCK_LOOP_SETTINGS_s v_loop
 BUCK voltage control loop object. More...
volatile struct BUCK_LOOP_SETTINGS_s i_loop [BUCK_NO_OF_PHASES]
 BUCK Current control loop objects. More...

Detailed Description

Switching signal timing settings.

Generic power converter switch-node specifications.

This data structure is used to set the converter switch-node specifications declaring which PWM channel is used as well as its switching frequency, phase-shift, dead times and duty ratio limits.

Definition at line 416 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

Field Documentation

◆ adc_trigger_offset

volatile uint16_t adc_trigger_offset

PWM triggers for ADC will be offset by n cycles.

Definition at line 435 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ adc_trigger_scaler

volatile uint16_t adc_trigger_scaler

PWM triggers for ADC will be generated every n-th cycle.

Definition at line 434 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ dead_time_falling

volatile uint16_t dead_time_falling

Dead time setting at falling edge of a half-bridge drive.

Definition at line 432 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ dead_time_rising

volatile uint16_t dead_time_rising

Dead time setting at rising edge of a half-bridge drive.

Definition at line 431 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ duty_ratio_init

volatile uint16_t duty_ratio_init

Initial duty cycle when the PWM module is being turned on.

Definition at line 428 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ duty_ratio_max

volatile uint16_t duty_ratio_max

Absolute duty cycle maximum during normal operation.

Definition at line 430 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ duty_ratio_min

volatile uint16_t duty_ratio_min

Absolute duty cycle minimum during normal operation.

Definition at line 429 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ gpio_high

volatile uint16_t gpio_high

GPIO port pin-number of PWMxH of the selected PWM generator.

Definition at line 420 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ gpio_instance

volatile uint16_t gpio_instance

GPIO instance of the selected PWM generator.

Definition at line 419 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ gpio_low

volatile uint16_t gpio_low

GPIO port pin-number of PWMxL of the selected PWM generator.

Definition at line 421 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ high_resolution_enable

volatile bool high_resolution_enable

Selecting if PWM module should use high-resolution mode.

Definition at line 424 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ leb_period

volatile uint16_t leb_period

Leading-Edge Blanking period.

Definition at line 433 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ master_period_enable

volatile bool master_period_enable

Selecting MASTER or Individual period register.

Definition at line 423 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ period

volatile uint16_t period

Switching period.

Definition at line 426 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ phase

volatile uint16_t phase

Switching signal phase-shift.

Definition at line 427 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ pwm_instance

volatile uint16_t pwm_instance

number of the PWM channel used

Definition at line 418 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ slope_compensation

volatile struct BUCK_SLOPE_COMP_SETTINGS_s slope_compensation

Peak current mode slope compensation settings.

Definition at line 435 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ swap_outputs

volatile bool swap_outputs

Selecting if PWMxH (default) or PWMxL should be the leading PWM output.

Definition at line 422 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

◆ sync_drive

volatile bool sync_drive

Selecting if switch node is driven in synchronous or asnchronous mode.

Definition at line 425 of file dev_buck_typedef.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: