Digital Power Starter Kit 3 Firmware  DM330017-3, Rev.3.0
dsPIC33C Buck Converter Peak Current Mode Control Example

Data structure holding parameters required for adaptive or manual loop gain manipulation during runtime. More...

#include <power_control/drivers/npnz16b.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for NPNZ_GAIN_CONTROL_s:
+ Collaboration diagram for NPNZ_GAIN_CONTROL_s:

Data Fields

volatile uint16_t AgcScaler
 Bit-shift scaler of Adaptive Gain Modulation factor. More...
volatile fractional AgcFactor
 Q15 value of Adaptive Gain Modulation factor. More...
volatile fractional AgcMedian
 Q15 value of Adaptive Gain Modulation nominal operating point. More...
volatile uint16_t ptrAgcObserverFunction
 Function Pointer to Observer function updating the AGC modulation factor. This function pointer is stored in the data field as common unsigned integer value and needs to be casted as such. Example: my_loop.GainControl.ptrAgcObserverFunction = (uint16_t)(&my_AGCFactorUpdate);. More...
- Data Fields inherited from NPNZ16b_s
volatile struct NPNZ_STATUS_s status
 Control Loop Status and Control flags. More...
volatile struct NPNZ_PORTS_s Ports
 Controller input and output ports. More...
volatile struct NPNZ_FILTER_PARAMS_s Filter
 Filter parameters such as pointer to history and coefficient arrays and number scaling. More...
volatile struct NPNZ_GAIN_CONTROL_s GainControl
 Parameter section for advanced control options. More...
volatile struct NPNZ_LIMITS_s Limits
 Input and output clamping values. More...
volatile struct NPNZ_ADC_TRGCTRL_s ADCTriggerControl
 Automatic ADC trigger placement options for ADC Trigger A and B. More...
volatile struct NPNZ_DATA_PROVIDERS_s DataProviders
 Automated data sources pushing recent data points to user-defined variables. More...
volatile struct NPNZ_EXTENSION_HOOKS_s ExtensionHooks
 User extension function triggers using function pointers with parameters. More...
volatile struct NPNZ_USER_DATA_BUFFER_s Advanced
 Parameter section for advanced user control options. More...

Detailed Description

Data structure holding parameters required for adaptive or manual loop gain manipulation during runtime.

Adaptive Gain Control Modulation Parameters.

The NPNZ_GAIN_CONTROL_t data object holds all parameters required to perform real-time gain modulation of the z-domain feedback loop. The loop gain is modulated by multiplying the result of the NPNZ controller B-term with an additional scaling factor. This scaling factor is represented by a fast floating point number, consisting of a factional factor <AgcFactor> between -1 and 1 and an integer bit-shift scaler <AgcScaler>.

This feature is optional and needs to be enabled, configured and managed manually in user code.

Definition at line 451 of file npnz16b.h.

Field Documentation

◆ AgcFactor

volatile fractional AgcFactor

Q15 value of Adaptive Gain Modulation factor.

Definition at line 454 of file npnz16b.h.

◆ AgcMedian

volatile fractional AgcMedian

Q15 value of Adaptive Gain Modulation nominal operating point.

Definition at line 455 of file npnz16b.h.

◆ AgcScaler

volatile uint16_t AgcScaler

Bit-shift scaler of Adaptive Gain Modulation factor.

Definition at line 453 of file npnz16b.h.

◆ ptrAgcObserverFunction

volatile uint16_t ptrAgcObserverFunction

Function Pointer to Observer function updating the AGC modulation factor. This function pointer is stored in the data field as common unsigned integer value and needs to be casted as such. Example: my_loop.GainControl.ptrAgcObserverFunction = (uint16_t)(&my_AGCFactorUpdate);.

Definition at line 456 of file npnz16b.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: