Digital Power Starter Kit 3 Firmware  DM330017-3, Rev.3.0
dsPIC33C Buck Converter Peak Current Mode Control Example

Data structure merging all defined controller input and output ports. More...

#include <power_control/drivers/npnz16b.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for NPNZ_PORTS_s:
+ Collaboration diagram for NPNZ_PORTS_s:

Data Fields

volatile struct NPNZ_PORT_s Source
 Primary data input port declaration. More...
volatile struct NPNZ_PORT_s AltSource
 Secondary data input port declaration. More...
volatile struct NPNZ_PORT_s Target
 Primary data output port declaration. More...
volatile struct NPNZ_PORT_s AltTarget
 Secondary data output port declaration. More...
volatile uint16_t * ptrControlReference
 Pointer to global variable of input register holding the controller reference value (e.g. uint16_t my_ref) More...
- Data Fields inherited from NPNZ16b_s
volatile struct NPNZ_STATUS_s status
 Control Loop Status and Control flags. More...
volatile struct NPNZ_PORTS_s Ports
 Controller input and output ports. More...
volatile struct NPNZ_FILTER_PARAMS_s Filter
 Filter parameters such as pointer to history and coefficient arrays and number scaling. More...
volatile struct NPNZ_GAIN_CONTROL_s GainControl
 Parameter section for advanced control options. More...
volatile struct NPNZ_LIMITS_s Limits
 Input and output clamping values. More...
volatile struct NPNZ_ADC_TRGCTRL_s ADCTriggerControl
 Automatic ADC trigger placement options for ADC Trigger A and B. More...
volatile struct NPNZ_DATA_PROVIDERS_s DataProviders
 Automated data sources pushing recent data points to user-defined variables. More...
volatile struct NPNZ_EXTENSION_HOOKS_s ExtensionHooks
 User extension function triggers using function pointers with parameters. More...
volatile struct NPNZ_USER_DATA_BUFFER_s Advanced
 Parameter section for advanced user control options. More...

Detailed Description

Data structure merging all defined controller input and output ports.

Filter Coefficient Arrays, Number Format Handling and Input/Output History Parameters.

The NPNZ_PORTS_t data object holds a list of nested NPNZ_PORT_t data objects, each defining an individual controller input or output port. The NPNZ16b_s data objects defines up to two input and two output ports of type struct NPNZ_PORT_t and one additional pointer to an external, user-defined 16-bit reference source variable. Each port of type struct NPNZ_PORT_t declares its individual source/target memory address, normalization scaler and offset:

  • Primary Source: common feedback input object
  • Alternate Source: additional, alternate feedback input object (optional)
  • Primary Target: common control output target object
  • Alternate Target: additional, alternate control output target object (optional)
  • Control Reference: pointer to external 16-bit reference source variable

Definition at line 259 of file npnz16b.h.

Field Documentation

◆ AltSource

volatile struct NPNZ_PORT_s AltSource

Secondary data input port declaration.

Definition at line 231 of file npnz16b.h.

◆ AltTarget

volatile struct NPNZ_PORT_s AltTarget

Secondary data output port declaration.

Definition at line 231 of file npnz16b.h.

◆ ptrControlReference

volatile uint16_t* ptrControlReference

Pointer to global variable of input register holding the controller reference value (e.g. uint16_t my_ref)

Definition at line 265 of file npnz16b.h.

◆ Source

volatile struct NPNZ_PORT_s Source

Primary data input port declaration.

Definition at line 231 of file npnz16b.h.

◆ Target

volatile struct NPNZ_PORT_s Target

Primary data output port declaration.

Definition at line 231 of file npnz16b.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: