Bar Logo 3.8/7.6 kw Totem pole Demonstration Application (Part-No. (not specified))
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Software Overview
Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Primary Core LayerFunctions performed by the primary core of the dsPIC33CH
 Driver LayerPrimary Driver Layer
 VAC MonitorDriver for Isolated AC Voltage Acquistion Board
 CAN DriverCAN-FD Driver to commuincate to Power Board Visualizer
 DMA DriverBuilds upon MCC DMA
 I2C DriverBuilds upon MCC I2C
 SPI DriverBuilds upon MCC SPI
 Secondary Core LayerFunctions performed by the secondary core of the dsPIC33CH
 Driver LayerSecondary Driver Layer
 ADC driver.ADC Driver builds upon MCC driver
 MSI Driver. Commuincation Interface between Primary and Secondary CoresMSI driver
 Power ControlThe Power Control layer contains the state machine managing the power converter
 Power Controller driver filesPower controller drv_controller
 Power Control misc appPower controller misc app
 Power Control appPower controller Application Handler
 Power Control CompensatorPower controller Exposing DCDT assembly functionality to the C code
 Power Control typedefPower controller type defintion
 Control Loop ConfigurationContains the control loop configuration and initialization functions
 Secondary Core state machineMain task
 MPLABX MCC Melody Code GeneratorContains all the module generated by MCC for this application
 ADC Multicore DriverHigh-Speed, 12-Bit Multiple SARs Analog-to-Digital Converter driver using dsPIC MCUs
 CAN FD DriverCAN FD Driver using dsPIC MCUs
 CMP DAC DriverHigh Speed Analog Comparator with Slope Compensation DAC driver using dsPIC MCUs
 PWM HS DriverHigh-Resolution Pulse-Width Modulated (PWM) with Fine Edge Placement using dsPIC MCUs
 DMT DriverDeadman Timer (DMT) driver using dsPIC MCUs. The functionality is to interrupt the processor in the event of a software malfunction
 Interrupt DriverInterrupt Priority configuration driver using dsPIC MCUs
 WDT DriverWatchdog Timer Driver using dsPIC MCUs
 Pins DriverThe Pin Driver directs the operation and function of the selected device pins using dsPIC MCUs
 System DriverSystem driver using dsPIC MCUs
 Reset DriverReset driver using dsPIC MCUs.
 Clock DriverClock configurator driver for System and Peripheral Clock using dsPIC MCUs
 Traps DriverTraps driver with handler for all types of traps using dsPIC MCUs
 Timer DriverTimer Driver is a 16-bit timer or 32-bit timer that can operate as a free-running interval timer using dsPIC MCUs
 UART DriverUniversal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter driver using dsPIC MCUs
 DMA DriverDirect Memory Access driver to service high data throughput peripherals allowing them to access data memory directly using dsPIC MCUs
 SPI Client DriverSerial Peripheral Interface (SPI) CLIENT Driver using dsPIC MCUs
 MSI-Main DriverThis is the generated driver interface file for the MAIN_CORE driver
 MSI-Secondary DriverThis is the generated driver interface file for SEC_CORE driver
 Configuration LayerAllow user to quickly change Operational Modes, fundamental system parameters and hardware changes
 CONFIGBITS DriverDevice Configuration Bits using dsPIC MCUs