Bar Logo 3.8/7.6 kw Totem pole Demonstration Application (Part-No. (not specified))
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The Power Control layer contains the state machine managing the power converter. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Power Control:


 Power Controller driver files
 Power controller drv_controller.
 Power Control misc app
 Power controller misc app.
 Power Control app
 Power controller Application Handler.
 Power Control Compensator
 Power controller Exposing DCDT assembly functionality to the C code.
 Power Control typedef
 Power controller type defintion.
 Control Loop Configuration
 Contains the control loop configuration and initialization functions.

Detailed Description

Power control layer provides a wide function in power supply applications. It has to do with the control, regulation and monitoring of the power supply. Moreover, it sets the peripheral configurations needed for a particular power supply topology as required by the application, as well as sets parameters and performs operations for digital power control.