Bar Logo 3.8/7.6 kw Totem pole Demonstration Application (Part-No. (not specified))
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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CADC_INTERFACEStructure containing the function pointers of ADC driver
 CADC_MULTICOREStructure containing the function pointers of ADC driver
 CCAN1This defines the object required for the maintenance of the receive FIFO message object
 CCAN_INTERFACEStructure containing the function pointers of CAN driver
 CCAN_MSG_FIELDThis data structure used to configure the message fields. Some of the fields formatType and brs data should match with the CAN FD configuration in Melody MCC user interface
 CCAN_MSG_OBJThis data structure used to configure the CAN FD message object
 CCMP_INTERFACEStructure containing the function pointers of CMP driver
 CDAC_DC_INTERFACEStructure containing the function pointers of DAC driver in DC mode
 CDMA_INTERFACEStructure containing the function pointers of DMA driver
 CMAIN_CORE_INTERFACEStructure containing the function pointers of MAIN_CORE driver
 CPWM_HS_INTERFACEStructure containing the function pointers of PWM driver
 CSEC_CORE_INTERFACEStructure containing the function pointers of SEC_CORE driver
 CSPI1_CONFIGDefines the SPI1 configuration
 CSPI_CLIENT_INTERFACEStructure containing the function pointers of SPI CLIENT driver
 CTIMER_INTERFACEStructure containing the function pointers of TIMER driver
 CUART_INTERFACEStructure containing the function pointers of UART driver
 CVACM_sMain AC Monitor data object data type declaration