45#include "../interrupt.h"
This is the generated driver header file for the ADC1 driver.
This is the generated driver header file for the MAIN_CORE driver.
This is the generated driver header file for the PWM driver.
void ADC1_Initialize(void)
Initializes ADC1 module, using the given initialization data This function must be called before any ...
void CMP1_Initialize(void)
Initialize the CMP1 module.
void PWM_Initialize(void)
Initializes PWM module, using the given initialization data.
void DMT_Initialize(void)
Initializes the DMT module.
static void INTERRUPT_GlobalEnable(void)
Enables the global interrupt bit.
void INTERRUPT_Initialize(void)
Initializes the interrupt priorities of the modules that have been configured.
void PINS_Initialize(void)
Initializes the PINS module.
void SYSTEM_Initialize(void)
Initializes the System module.
void CLOCK_Initialize(void)
Initializes all the INTERNAL OSCILLATOR sources and clock switch configurations.
void TMR1_Initialize(void)
Initializes the TMR1 module.
void MAIN_CORE_Initialize(void)
This routine initializes the MSI driver. This routine must be called before any other MSI routine is ...
This is the generated driver header file for the CMP1 driver.
This is the generated driver types header file for the System driver.
This is the generated driver header file for the TMR1 driver.