Bar Logo 3.8/7.6 kw Totem pole Demonstration Application (Part-No. (not specified))
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This is the generated driver header file for the PWM driver. More...

#include <xc.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "pwm_hs_types.h"
#include "pwm_hs_interface.h"
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#define PWM_HS_Initialize   PWM_Initialize
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_Initialize API.
#define PWM_HS_Deinitialize   PWM_Deinitialize
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_Deinitialize API.
#define PWM_HS_Disable   PWM_Disable
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_Disable API.
#define PWM_HS_Enable   PWM_Enable
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_Enable API.
#define PWM_HS_MasterPeriodSet   PWM_MasterPeriodSet
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_MasterPeriodSet API.
#define PWM_HS_MasterDutyCycleSet   PWM_MasterDutyCycleSet
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_MasterDutyCycleSet API.
#define PWM_HS_MasterPhaseSet   PWM_MasterPhaseSet
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_MasterPhaseSet API.
#define PWM_HS_PeriodSet   PWM_PeriodSet
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_PeriodSet API.
#define PWM_HS_ModeSet   PWM_ModeSet
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_ModeSet API.
#define PWM_HS_DutyCycleSet   PWM_DutyCycleSet
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_DutyCycleSet API.
#define PWM_HS_PhaseSelect   PWM_PhaseSelect
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_PhaseSelect API.
#define PWM_HS_PhaseSet   PWM_PhaseSet
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_PhaseSet API.
#define PWM_HS_OverrideDataSet   PWM_OverrideDataSet
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_OverrideDataSet API.
#define PWM_HS_OverrideDataHighSet   PWM_OverrideDataHighSet
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_OverrideDataHighSet API.
#define PWM_HS_OverrideDataLowSet   PWM_OverrideDataLowSet
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_OverrideDataLowSet API.
#define PWM_HS_OverrideDataGet   PWM_OverrideDataGet
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_OverrideDataGet API.
#define PWM_HS_OverrideHighEnable   PWM_OverrideHighEnable
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_OverrideHighEnable API.
#define PWM_HS_OverrideLowEnable   PWM_OverrideLowEnable
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_OverrideLowEnable API.
#define PWM_HS_OverrideHighDisable   PWM_OverrideHighDisable
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_OverrideHighDisable API.
#define PWM_HS_OverrideLowDisable   PWM_OverrideLowDisable
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_OverrideLowDisable API.
#define PWM_HS_DeadTimeLowSet   PWM_DeadTimeLowSet
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_DeadTimeLowSet API.
#define PWM_HS_DeadTimeHighSet   PWM_DeadTimeHighSet
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_DeadTimeHighSet API.
#define PWM_HS_DeadTimeSet   PWM_DeadTimeSet
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_DeadTimeSet API.
#define PWM_HS_TriggerCompareValueSet   PWM_TriggerCompareValueSet
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_TriggerCompareValueSet API.
#define PWM_HS_GeneratorInterruptEnable   PWM_GeneratorInterruptEnable
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_GeneratorInterruptEnable API.
#define PWM_HS_GeneratorInterruptDisable   PWM_GeneratorInterruptDisable
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_GeneratorInterruptDisable API.
#define PWM_HS_GeneratorEventStatusGet   PWM_GeneratorEventStatusGet
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_GeneratorEventStatusGet API.
#define PWM_HS_GeneratorEventStatusClear   PWM_GeneratorEventStatusClear
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_GeneratorEventStatusClear API.
#define PWM_HS_GeneratorDisable   PWM_GeneratorDisable
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_GeneratorDisable API.
#define PWM_HS_GeneratorEnable   PWM_GeneratorEnable
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_GeneratorEnable API.
#define PWM_HS_TriggerACompareValueSet   PWM_TriggerACompareValueSet
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_TriggerACompareValueSet API.
#define PWM_HS_TriggerBCompareValueSet   PWM_TriggerBCompareValueSet
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_TriggerBCompareValueSet API.
#define PWM_HS_TriggerCCompareValueSet   PWM_TriggerCCompareValueSet
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_TriggerCCompareValueSet API.
#define PWM_HS_SoftwareUpdateRequest   PWM_SoftwareUpdateRequest
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_SoftwareUpdateRequest API.
#define PWM_HS_SoftwareUpdatePending   PWM_SoftwareUpdatePending
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_SoftwareUpdatePending API.
#define PWM_HS_FaultModeLatchClear   PWM_FaultModeLatchClear
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_FaultModeLatchClear API.
#define PWM_HS_Trigger1Enable   PWM_Trigger1Enable
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_Trigger1Enable API.
#define PWM_HS_Trigger1Disable   PWM_Trigger1Disable
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_Trigger1Disable API.
#define PWM_HS_Trigger2Enable   PWM_Trigger2Enable
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_Trigger2Enable API.
#define PWM_HS_Trigger2Disable   PWM_Trigger2Disable
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_Trigger2Disable API.
#define PWM_HS_GeneratorEOCEventCallbackRegister   PWM_GeneratorEOCEventCallbackRegister
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_GeneratorEOCEventCallbackRegister API.
#define PWM_HS_GeneratorTasks   PWM_GeneratorTasks
 This macro defines the Custom Name for PWM_GeneratorTasks API.


void PWM_Initialize (void)
 Initializes PWM module, using the given initialization data.
void PWM_Deinitialize (void)
 Deinitializes the PWM to POR values.
static void PWM_GeneratorEnable (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum)
 This inline function enables the specific PWM generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static void PWM_GeneratorDisable (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum)
 This inline function disables the specific PWM generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static void PWM_ModeSet (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, enum PWM_MODES mode)
 This inline function sets the operating mode of specific PWM generator selected
by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static void PWM_Enable (void)
 This inline function will enable all the generators of PWM module.
static void PWM_Disable (void)
 This inline function will disable all the generators of PWM module.
static void PWM_MasterPeriodSet (uint16_t masterPeriod)
 This inline function sets the period value in count for the Master Time Base generator.
static void PWM_MasterDutyCycleSet (uint16_t masterDutyCycle)
 This inline function sets the PWM master duty cycle register.
static void PWM_MasterPhaseSet (uint16_t masterPhase)
 This inline function sets the phase value in count for the Master Time Base generator.
static void PWM_PeriodSet (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, uint16_t period)
 This inline function sets the period value in count for the PWM generator specific Time Base.
static void PWM_DutyCycleSet (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, uint16_t dutyCycle)
 This inline function sets the PWM generator specific duty cycle register.
static void PWM_PhaseSelect (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, enum PWM_SOURCE_SELECT source)
 This inline function selects the PWM generator source for Phase.
static void PWM_PhaseSet (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, uint16_t phase)
 This inline function sets the phase value in count for the PWM generator specific Time Base.
static void PWM_OverrideDataSet (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, uint16_t overrideData)
 This inline function updates PWM override data bits with the requested value for a specific PWM generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static void PWM_OverrideDataHighSet (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, bool overrideDataHigh)
 This inline function updates PWM override high data bit with the requested value for a specific PWM generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static void PWM_OverrideDataLowSet (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, bool overrideDataLow)
 This inline function updates PWM override low data bit with the requested value for a specific PWM generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static uint16_t PWM_OverrideDataGet (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum)
 This inline function gets PWM override value for the PWM Generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static void PWM_OverrideHighEnable (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum)
 This inline function enables PWM override on PWMH output for specific PWM generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static void PWM_OverrideLowEnable (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum)
 This inline function enables PWM override on PWML output for specific PWM generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static void PWM_OverrideHighDisable (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum)
 This inline function disables PWM override on PWMH output for specific PWM generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.

static void PWM_OverrideLowDisable (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum)
 This inline function disables PWM override on PWML output for specific PWM generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.

static void PWM_DeadTimeLowSet (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, uint16_t deadtimeLow)
 This inline function updates PWM Deadtime low register with the requested value for a specific PWM generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static void PWM_DeadTimeHighSet (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, uint16_t deadtimeHigh)
 This inline function updates PWM Deadtime high register with the requested value for a specific PWM generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static void PWM_DeadTimeSet (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, uint16_t deadtime)
 This inline function updates PWM Deadtime low and high register with the requested value for a specific PWM generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static void PWM_TriggerCompareValueSet (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, uint16_t trigCompValue)
 This inline function sets the PWM trigger compare value in count for the PWM Generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static void PWM_GeneratorInterruptEnable (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, enum PWM_GENERATOR_INTERRUPT interrupt)
 This inline function enables interrupt requests for the PWM Generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.

static void PWM_GeneratorInterruptDisable (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, enum PWM_GENERATOR_INTERRUPT interrupt)
 This inline function disables interrupt requests for the PWM Generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static void PWM_GeneratorEventStatusClear (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, enum PWM_GENERATOR_INTERRUPT interrupt)
 This inline function clears the PWM interrupt status for the PWM Generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.

static bool PWM_GeneratorEventStatusGet (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, enum PWM_GENERATOR_INTERRUPT interrupt)
 This inline function gets the PWM interrupt status for the PWM Generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.

static void PWM_SoftwareUpdateRequest (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum)
 This inline function requests to update the data registers for specific PWM generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static bool PWM_SoftwareUpdatePending (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum)
 This inline function gets the status of the update request for specific PWM generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static void PWM_TriggerACompareValueSet (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, uint16_t trigA)
 This inline function sets the Trigger A compare value in count for a specific PWM generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.

static void PWM_TriggerBCompareValueSet (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, uint16_t trigB)
 This inline function sets the Trigger B compare value in count for a specific PWM generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.

static void PWM_TriggerCCompareValueSet (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, uint16_t trigC)
 This inline function sets the Trigger C compare value in count for a specific PWM generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static void PWM_Trigger1Enable (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, enum PWM_TRIGGER_COMPARE compareRegister)
 This inline function enables ADC trigger 1 for the specific compare register selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static void PWM_Trigger1Disable (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, enum PWM_TRIGGER_COMPARE compareRegister)
 This inline function disables ADC trigger 1 for the specific compare register selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static void PWM_Trigger2Enable (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, enum PWM_TRIGGER_COMPARE compareRegister)
 This inline function enables ADC trigger 2 for the specific compare register selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static void PWM_Trigger2Disable (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum, enum PWM_TRIGGER_COMPARE compareRegister)
 This inline function disables ADC trigger 2 for the specific compare register selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.
static void PWM_FaultModeLatchClear (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum)
 This inline function clears the status of PWM latched fault mode for the PWM Generator selected by the argument PWM_GENERATOR.

void PWM_GeneratorEOCEventCallbackRegister (void(*callback)(enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum))
 This function can be used to override default callback PWM_GeneratorEOCEventCallback and to define custom callback for PWM EOCEvent event.
void PWM_GeneratorEOCEventCallback (enum PWM_GENERATOR genNum)
 This is the default callback with weak attribute. The user can override and implement the default callback without weak attribute or can register a custom callback function using PWM_EOCEventCallbackRegister.
void PWM_GeneratorTasks (enum PWM_GENERATOR intGen)
 This is a tasks function for PWM1.


 Structure object of type PWM_HS_INTERFACE with the custom name given by the user in the Melody Driver User interface. The default name e.g. PWM_HS can be changed by the user in the PWM user interface. This allows defining a structure with application specific name using the 'Custom Name' field. Application specific name allows the API Portability.

Detailed Description

PWM Generated Driver Header File

Definition in file pwm.h.