71 DMACON = (0x0 | 0x01) & 0x7FFF;
78 DMACH0 = (uint16_t)0x210 & (uint16_t)0xFFFE;
93 DMACH1 = (uint16_t)0x0 & (uint16_t)0xFFFE;
106 DMACH2 = (uint16_t)0x0 & (uint16_t)0xFFFE;
119 DMACH3 = (uint16_t)0x0 & (uint16_t)0xFFFE;
132 DMACH4 = (uint16_t)0x0 & (uint16_t)0xFFFE;
145 DMACH5 = (uint16_t)0x0 & (uint16_t)0xFFFE;
160 DMACONbits.DMAEN = 1;
165 DMACONbits.DMAEN = 0;
243 if(IFS0bits.DMA1IF == 1)
252 if(IFS1bits.DMA2IF == 1)
261 if(IFS1bits.DMA3IF == 1)
270 if(IFS1bits.DMA4IF == 1)
279 if(IFS2bits.DMA5IF == 1)
This is the generated driver header file for the DMA driver.
void _DMA0Interrupt(void)
static void(* DMA_ChannelHandler)(enum DMA_CHANNEL channel)
This is the driver header file for DMA driver.
void DMA_Initialize(void)
Initializes the DMA module.
void DMA_ChannelTasks(void)
This function is used to implement the tasks for polled implementations of DMA Channel.
static void DMA_SourceAddressSet(enum DMA_CHANNEL channel, uint16_t address)
This inline function sets the source address to specified DMA channel.
Defines the DMA channles that are selected from the MCC Melody User Interface for the DMA transfers....
static void DMA_TransferCountSet(enum DMA_CHANNEL channel, uint16_t transferCount)
This inline function sets the number of transfer counts to DMA channel.
void DMA_Deinitialize(void)
Deinitializes the DMA to POR values.
static bool DMA_IsSoftwareRequestPending(enum DMA_CHANNEL channel)
This inline function returns the status of the software request of the DMA channel.
static uint16_t DMA_TransferCountGet(enum DMA_CHANNEL channel)
This inline function returns the number of transfer counts from DMA channel.
void DMA_ChannelCallback(enum DMA_CHANNEL channel)
This is the default callback with weak attribute. The user can override and implement the default cal...
static void DMA_SoftwareTriggerEnable(enum DMA_CHANNEL channel)
This inline function sets the software trigger of the DMA channel.
Structure object of type DMA_INTERFACE with the custom name given by the user in the Melody Driver Us...
static void DMA_ChannelDisable(enum DMA_CHANNEL channel)
This inline function disables the DMA channel.
void DMA_ChannelCallbackRegister(void(*callback)(enum DMA_CHANNEL channel))
This function can be used to override default callback and to define custom callback for DMA Channel ...
static void DMA_ChannelEnable(enum DMA_CHANNEL channel)
This inline function enables the DMA channel.
static void DMA_DestinationAddressSet(enum DMA_CHANNEL channel, uint16_t address)
This inline function sets the destination address to specified DMA channel.
Structure containing the function pointers of DMA driver.
void(* Initialize)(void)
Pointer to DMA_Initialize.