Digital Power Starter Kit 3 Firmware
dsPIC33C Buck Converter Voltage Mode Control Example
22 #include "lcd/drivers/drv_lcd_interface.h"
33 #define TEMPSTR_LCD_SIZE 40
45 #define PrintLcd(LINE, ...) \
47 char __print_utils_string[TEMPSTR_LCD_SIZE]; \
48 sprintf(__print_utils_string, __VA_ARGS__); \
49 dev_Lcd_WriteStringXY(0, LINE, __print_utils_string); \
55 extern void dev_Lcd_GotoXY(
volatile uint8_t x,
volatile uint8_t y);
58 extern void dev_Lcd_WriteStringXY(
volatile uint8_t column_index,
volatile uint8_t line_index,
const char *str);
void dev_Lcd_WriteChar(const char ch)
Writes a character on the LCD screen.
void dev_Lcd_Initialize(void)
Initializes the LCD Device.
void dev_Lcd_WriteStringXY(volatile uint8_t column_index, volatile uint8_t line_index, const char *str)
Sets the cursor position to the given x- and y-coordinates and writes the given string on the lcd scr...
void dev_Lcd_GotoXY(volatile uint8_t x, volatile uint8_t y)
Sets the cursor position to the given x- and y-coordinates.
void dev_Lcd_WriteString(const char *str)
Writes a complete string on the LCD screen.