Digital Power Starter Kit 3 Firmware  DM330017-3, Rev.3.0
dsPIC33C Buck Converter Peak Current Mode Control Example
PUSH_BUTTON_STATUS_s Struct Reference

Status word of the push button driver. More...

#include <push_button/drivers/drv_push_button.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for PUSH_BUTTON_STATUS_s:
+ Collaboration diagram for PUSH_BUTTON_STATUS_s:

Data Fields

union {
   struct {
      volatile bool   sw_event:1
 Bit 0: Event bit indicating a state has changed (cleared automatically) More...
      volatile   unsigned:1
 Bit 1: (reserved) More...
      volatile bool   long_press:1
 Bit 13: Indicates if switch has been pressed for a longer time. More...
      volatile bool   pressed:1
 Bit 14: Indicates if the button is pressed or not. More...
      volatile bool   enabled:1
 Bit 15: Enables/disables the Switch button object. More...
   }   bits
 Status bit field. More...
   volatile uint16_t   value
 Status word. More...
- Data Fields inherited from PUSH_BUTTON_OBJECT_s
volatile struct PUSH_BUTTON_STATUS_s status
 Status word of the switch object. More...
volatile uint16_t debounce_delay
 Number of call cycles until a switch event is triggered. More...
volatile uint16_t long_press_delay
 Number of call cycles until a "long press" switch event is triggered. More...
volatile uint16_t(* event_btn_down )(void)
 Function pointer to user function triggering a PRESSED event. More...
volatile uint16_t(* event_long_press )(void)
 Function pointer to user function triggering a LONG_PRESS event. More...
volatile uint16_t(* event_pressed )(void)
 Function pointer to user function triggering a LONG_PRESS event. More...
volatile uint16_t(* event_btn_up )(void)
 Function pointer to user function triggering a RELEASE event. More...

Detailed Description

Status word of the push button driver.

The status word of the push button function driver allows asynchronous monitoring of the push button status, encoding the detection of short and long press as well as the immediate switch event.

In addition, an Enable control bit is provided to allow external code modules to turn the monitoring of the push-button input on or off.

Definition at line 70 of file drv_push_button.h.

Field Documentation


union { ... }


struct { ... } bits

Status bit field.

◆ enabled

volatile bool enabled

Bit 15: Enables/disables the Switch button object.

Definition at line 89 of file drv_push_button.h.

◆ long_press

volatile bool long_press

Bit 13: Indicates if switch has been pressed for a longer time.

Definition at line 87 of file drv_push_button.h.

◆ pressed

volatile bool pressed

Bit 14: Indicates if the button is pressed or not.

Definition at line 88 of file drv_push_button.h.

◆ sw_event

volatile bool sw_event

Bit 0: Event bit indicating a state has changed (cleared automatically)

Definition at line 74 of file drv_push_button.h.

◆ unsigned

volatile unsigned

Bit 1: (reserved)

Bit 12: (reserved)

Bit 11: (reserved)

Bit 10: (reserved)

Bit 9: (reserved)

Bit 8: (reserved)

Bit 7: (reserved)

Bit 6: (reserved)

Bit 5: (reserved)

Bit 4: (reserved)

Bit 3: (reserved)

Bit 2: (reserved)

Definition at line 75 of file drv_push_button.h.

◆ value

volatile uint16_t value

Status word.

Definition at line 91 of file drv_push_button.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: