Digital Power Starter Kit 3 Firmware  DM330017-3, Rev.3.0
dsPIC33C Buck Converter Peak Current Mode Control Example
CPU_INTTREG_s Struct Reference

defining the CPU interrupt for primary and secondary vectors More...

#include <fault_handler/drivers/drv_trap_handler.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for CPU_INTTREG_s:
+ Collaboration diagram for CPU_INTTREG_s:

Data Fields

union {
   struct {
      volatile unsigned   VECNUM:8
 Bit #0-7: Pending Interrupt Number List. More...
      volatile unsigned   ILR:4
 Bit #8-11: New Interrupt Priority Level. More...
      volatile   unsigned:1
 Bit #12: Reserved. More...
      volatile unsigned   VHOLD:1
 Bit #13: Vector Number Capture Enable bit. More...
   }   bits
   volatile uint16_t   value
- Data Fields inherited from TRAP_LOGGER_s
volatile struct TRAPLOG_STATUS_s status
 Status word of the Trap Logger object. More...
volatile uint16_t reset_count
 Counter of CPU RESET events (read/write) More...
enum TRAP_ID_e trap_id
 Trap-ID of the captured incident. More...
volatile uint16_t trap_count
 Counter tracking the number of occurrences. More...
volatile struct TRAP_FLAGS_s trap_flags
 Complete list of trap flags (showing all trap flags) More...
volatile struct CPU_RCON_s rcon_reg
 Captures the RESET CONTROL register. More...
volatile struct CPU_INTTREG_s inttreg
 Interrupt Vector and Priority register capture. More...
volatile struct TASK_INFO_s task_capture
 Information of last task executed. More...

Detailed Description

defining the CPU interrupt for primary and secondary vectors

Definition at line 169 of file drv_trap_handler.h.

Field Documentation


union { ... }


struct { ... } bits


volatile unsigned ILR

Bit #8-11: New Interrupt Priority Level.

Definition at line 174 of file drv_trap_handler.h.

◆ unsigned

volatile unsigned

Bit #12: Reserved.

Bit #15: Reserved.

Bit #14: Reserved.

Definition at line 175 of file drv_trap_handler.h.

◆ value

volatile uint16_t value

Definition at line 181 of file drv_trap_handler.h.


volatile unsigned VECNUM

Bit #0-7: Pending Interrupt Number List.

Definition at line 173 of file drv_trap_handler.h.


volatile unsigned VHOLD

Bit #13: Vector Number Capture Enable bit.

Definition at line 176 of file drv_trap_handler.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: