Digital Power Starter Kit 3 Firmware  DM330017-3, Rev.3.0
dsPIC33C Buck Converter Peak Current Mode Control Example

Public functions of the application layer of the power control task. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Public Functions:


volatile uint16_t appPushButton_Initialize (void)
 Initializes the USER push button on DPSK3. More...
volatile uint16_t appPushButton_Execute (void)
 Executes the USER push button monitor. More...
volatile uint16_t appPushButton_Dispose (void)
 Unloads the push button data object and frees its resources. More...

Detailed Description

Public functions of the application layer of the power control task.

The push button application layer is the proprietary user code used to configure and drive the on-board push button.

Function Documentation

◆ appPushButton_Dispose()

volatile uint16_t appPushButton_Dispose ( void  )

Unloads the push button data object and frees its resources.

unsigned integer (0=failure, 1=success)

This function is used to unload all push button function driver data objects and free their resources.

All user settings will get reset. The PUSH_BUTTON_OBJECT_t data object holding all user-defined settings of the push-button object need to be re-initialized before this function driver can be used again. *

Definition at line 106 of file app_push_button.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ appPushButton_Execute()

volatile uint16_t appPushButton_Execute ( void  )

Executes the USER push button monitor.

unsigned integer (0=failure, 1=success)

DPSK3 has one on-board push button labeled 'USER' which is used in this application example to switch between different LCD screens allowing the user to view runtime data.

This function monitors the defined general purpose I/O to detect the status of the on-board push button 'USER', scanning for Long Press events, which will trigger the switch-over between different LCD screens.

Definition at line 81 of file app_push_button.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ appPushButton_Initialize()

volatile uint16_t appPushButton_Initialize ( void  )

Initializes the USER push button on DPSK3.

unsigned integer (0=failure, 1=success)

DPSK3 has one on-board push button labeled 'USER' which is used in this application example to switch between different LCD screens allowing the user to view runtime data.

This function initializes the push button function driver used by the push button monitoring function appPushButton_Execute() by setting user defined delays to debounce the switching edge and set up filters for short and long press events.

Definition at line 45 of file app_push_button.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function: