Digital Power Starter Kit 3 Firmware  DM330017-3, Rev.3.0
dsPIC33C Buck Converter Peak Current Mode Control Example

Private properties of the HSPWM PRAL driver. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Private Properties:


volatile struct P33C_PWM_MODULE_s pwmConfigClear
 Default RESET configuration of the PWM module SFRs. More...
volatile struct P33C_PWM_MODULE_s pwmConfigDefault
 Default initialization configuration of the PWM module SFRs. More...
volatile struct P33C_PWM_GENERATOR_s pgConfigClear
 Default RESET configuration of one PWM generator instance SFRs. More...

Detailed Description

Private properties of the HSPWM PRAL driver.

This is the detailed description of privte variables, data types, enumerations, defines and macros of the HSPWM PRAL driver

Variable Documentation

◆ pgConfigClear

struct P33C_PWM_GENERATOR_s pgConfigClear
Initial value:
= {
.PGxCONL.value = 0x0000,
.PGxCONH.value = 0x0000,
.PGxSTAT.value = 0x0000,
.PGxIOCONL.value = 0x0000,
.PGxIOCONH.value = 0x0000,
.PGxEVTL.value = 0x0000,
.PGxEVTH.value = 0x0000,
.PGxFPCIL.value = 0x0000,
.PGxFPCIH.value = 0x0000,
.PGxCLPCIL.value = 0x0000,
.PGxCLPCIH.value = 0x0000,
.PGxFFPCIL.value = 0x0000,
.PGxFFPCIH.value = 0x0000,
.PGxSPCIL.value = 0x0000,
.PGxSPCIH.value = 0x0000,
.PGxLEBL.value = 0x0000,
.PGxLEBH.value = 0x0000,
.PGxPHASE.value = 0x0000,
.PGxDC.value = 0x0000,
.PGxDCA.value = 0x0000,
.PGxPER.value = 0x0000,
.PGxTRIGA.value = 0x0000,
.PGxTRIGB.value = 0x0000,
.PGxTRIGC.value = 0x0000,
.PGxDTL.value = 0x0000,
.PGxDTH.value = 0x0000,
.PGxCAP.value = 0x0000

Default RESET configuration of one PWM generator instance SFRs.

Default configuration of the PWM generator SFRs with all its registers being reset to their default state when the device comes out of RESET. Programmers can use this template to reset (dispose) a previously used PWM generator when it's not used anymore or to secure a known startup condition before writing individual configurations to its SFRs.

Definition at line 670 of file p33c_pwm.c.

◆ pwmConfigClear

struct P33C_PWM_MODULE_s pwmConfigClear
Initial value:
= {
.vPCLKCON.value = 0x0000,
.vFSCL.value = 0x0000,
.vFSMINPER.value = 0x0000,
.vMPHASE.value = 0x0000,
.vMDC.value = 0x0000,
.vMPER.value = 0x0000,
.vLFSR.value = 0x0000,
.vCMBTRIGL.value = 0x0000,
.vCMBTRIGH.value = 0x0000,
.LOGCON_A.value = 0x0000,
.LOGCON_B.value = 0x0000,
.LOGCON_C.value = 0x0000,
.LOGCON_D.value = 0x0000,
.LOGCON_E.value = 0x0000,
.LOGCON_F.value = 0x0000,
.PWMEVT_A.value = 0x0000,
.PWMEVT_B.value = 0x0000,
.PWMEVT_C.value = 0x0000,
.PWMEVT_D.value = 0x0000,
.PWMEVT_E.value = 0x0000,
.PWMEVT_F.value = 0x0000

Default RESET configuration of the PWM module SFRs.

Default configuration of the PWM module SFRs with all its registers being reset to their default state when the device comes out of RESET. Programmers can use this template to reset (dispose) a previously used PWM module when it's not used anymore or to secure a known startup condition before writing individual configurations to its SFRs.

Definition at line 670 of file p33c_pwm.c.

◆ pwmConfigDefault

struct P33C_PWM_MODULE_s pwmConfigDefault
Initial value:
= {
.vPCLKCON.value = 0x0003,
.vFSCL.value = 0x0000,
.vFSMINPER.value = 0x0000,
.vMPHASE.value = 0x0000,
.vMDC.value = 0x0000,
.vMPER.value = 0x0000,
.vLFSR.value = 0x0000,
.vCMBTRIGL.value = 0x0000,
.vCMBTRIGH.value = 0x0000,
.LOGCON_A.value = 0x0000,
.LOGCON_B.value = 0x0000,
.LOGCON_C.value = 0x0000,
.LOGCON_D.value = 0x0000,
.LOGCON_E.value = 0x0000,
.LOGCON_F.value = 0x0000,
.PWMEVT_A.value = 0x0000,
.PWMEVT_B.value = 0x0000,
.PWMEVT_C.value = 0x0000,
.PWMEVT_D.value = 0x0000,
.PWMEVT_E.value = 0x0000,
.PWMEVT_F.value = 0x0000

Default initialization configuration of the PWM module SFRs.

Default configuration of the PWM module SFRs for normal operation at maximum performance using the auxiliary clock input, expecting a 500 MHz input clock. All other functions of the PWM module base registers, such as combinatorial logic blocks, are turned off. Programmers can use this template to initialize the PWM module in default mode before writing individual configurations to its SFRs.

Definition at line 670 of file p33c_pwm.c.