Digital Power Starter Kit 3 Firmware
dsPIC33C Boost Converter Voltage Mode Control Example
1 /*
2  * File: init_timer1.c
3  * Author: M91406
4  *
5  * Created on July 8, 2019, 2:47 PM
6  */
8 #include <xc.h>
9 #include <stdint.h>
10 #include <stdbool.h>
12 #include "config/hal.h"
13 #include "config/init/init_timer1.h"
22 /***********************************************************************************
23  * @fn uint16_t sysOsTimer_Initialize
24  * @brief Initializes the timer used as time-base for the task scheduler
25  * @return unsigned integer
26  * @return 0=failure
27  * @return 1=success
28  *
29  * @details
30  * The task scheduler runs on a specific, usually fixed time base specified
31  * in the state machine section of the hardware abstraction layer (e.g. 100us).
32  * This routine initializes a device timer exclusively used for that purpose
33  * which is not shared with other tasks/peripherals to ensure stable, deterministic
34  * behavior of the firmware. The timer does not use interrupts. The scheduler
35  * task execution period is controlled by polling on the timer overrun bit, allowing
36  * some more relaxed timing while not putting additional burden on the CPU.
37  *
38  **********************************************************************************/
40 volatile uint16_t sysOsTimer_Initialize (void)
41 {
42  volatile uint16_t retval=1;
44  T1CONbits.TON = 0; // Timer1 On: Stops 16-bit Timer1 during configuration
45  T1CONbits.TSIDL = 0; // Timer1 Stop in Idle Mode: Continues module operation in Idle mode
46  T1CONbits.TMWDIS = 0; // Asynchronous Timer1 Write Disable: Back-to-back writes are enabled in Asynchronous mode
47  T1CONbits.TMWIP = 0; // Asynchronous Timer1 Write in Progress: Write to the timer in Asynchronous mode is complete
48  T1CONbits.PRWIP = 0; // Asynchronous Period Write in Progress: Write to the Period register in Asynchronous mode is complete
49  T1CONbits.TECS = 0b11; // Timer1 Extended Clock Select: FRC clock
50  T1CONbits.TGATE = 0; // Timer1 Gated Time Accumulation Enable: Gated time accumulation is disabled when TCS = 0
51  T1CONbits.TCKPS = 0; // Timer1 Input Clock Prescale Select: 1:1
52  T1CONbits.TSYNC = 0; // Timer1 External Clock Input Synchronization Select: Does not synchronize the External Clock input
53  T1CONbits.TCS = 0; // Timer1 Clock Source Select: Internal peripheral clock
55  // Reset Timer Counter Register TMR to Zero;
56  TMR1 = 0x00;
57  //Period = 0.0001 s; Frequency = 100000000 Hz; PR 9999;
60  // Reset interrupt and interrupt flag bit
61  _OSTIMER_IP = _OSTIMER_PRIORITY; // Set interrupt priority to DEFAULT
62  _OSTIMER_IF = 0; // Reset interrupt flag bit
63  _OSTIMER_IE = 0; // Disable Timer1 interrupt
65  return(retval);
66 }
68 /***********************************************************************************
69  * @fn uint16_t sysOsTimer_Enable
70  * @brief Enables the timer used as time-base for the task scheduler
71  * @return unsigned integer
72  * @return 0=failure
73  * @return 1=success
74  *
75  * @details
76  * Once the task scheduler time base has been initialized, this function can be
77  * used to enable the timer and start the scheduled task execution.
78  *
79  **********************************************************************************/
81 volatile uint16_t sysOsTimer_Enable (volatile bool interrupt_enable, volatile uint8_t interrupt_priority)
82 {
83  volatile uint16_t retval=1;
85  // Enable Timer1
86  _OSTIMER_IP= interrupt_priority; // Set interrupt priority to zero
87  _OSTIMER_IF = 0; // Reset interrupt flag bit
88  _OSTIMER_IE = interrupt_enable; // Enable/Disable Timer1 interrupt
89  T1CONbits.TON = 1; // Turn on Timer1
90  retval &= T1CONbits.TON; // Add timer enable bit to list of checked bits
92  return(retval);
93 }
94  // end of group os-timer-initialization
97 // end of file
volatile uint16_t sysOsTimer_Enable(volatile bool interrupt_enable, volatile uint8_t interrupt_priority)
Definition: init_timer1.c:81
#define _OSTIMER_IP
interrupt priority register
#define _OSTIMER_IF
interrupt flag bit
volatile uint16_t sysOsTimer_Initialize(void)
Definition: init_timer1.c:40
#define _OSTIMER_IE
interrupt enable bit
interrupt priority (1 ... 7, default = 2)
Global state-machine user-settings conversion macros.