42#include "../timer_interface.h"
46#define MASK_32_BIT_LOW 0x0000FFFFU
47#define MASK_32_BIT_HIGH 0xFFFF0000U
113 CCP1CON1Lbits.CCPON = 0;
133 CCP1CON1Lbits.CCPON = 1;
138 CCP1CON1Lbits.CCPON = 0;
147 CCP1CON1Lbits.T32 = 1;
152 CCP1CON1Lbits.T32 = 0;
158 IPC1bits.CCT1IP = priority;
184 if(IFS0bits.CCT1IF == 1)
188 (*SCCP1_TimeoutHandler)();
197 CCP1CON1Lbits.T32 = 0;
This is the generated driver header file for the SCCP1-TIMER driver.
void SCCP1_Timer_PeriodCountSet(size_t count)
static void(* SCCP1_TimeoutHandler)(void)
void SCCP1_Timer_Stop(void)
Stops the timer.
void SCCP1_Timer_PeriodSet(uint32_t count)
Sets the SCCP1-Timer period count value.
void SCCP1_TimeoutCallback(void)
This is the default callback with weak attribute. The user can override and implement the default cal...
const struct TIMER_INTERFACE SPI_BusIdle_1us_Timer
Structure object of type TIMER_INTERFACE with the custom name given by the user in the Melody Driver ...
static uint32_t SCCP1_Timer_PeriodGet(void)
This inline function gets the SCCP1-Timer period count value.
void SCCP1_Timer_Deinitialize(void)
Deinitializes the SCCP1 to POR values.
void SCCP1_Timer_TimeoutCallbackRegister(void(*handler)(void))
This function can be used to override default callback and to define custom callback for SCCP1 Timeou...
void SCCP1_Timer_Tasks(void)
Used in polling method of timeout event.
void SCCP1_Timer_Start(void)
Starts the timer.
static uint32_t SCCP1_Timer_CounterGet(void)
This inline function gets the SCCP1-Timer elapsed count value.
void SCCP1_Timer_Initialize(void)
Initializes the SCCP1 module.
void SCCP1_Timer_InterruptPrioritySet(enum INTERRUPT_PRIORITY priority)
Sets the Interrupt Priority Value.
void SCCP1_TimeoutCallbackRegister(void *handler)
This function can be used to override default callback and to define custom callback for SCCP1 Timeou...
Structure containing the function pointers of TIMER driver.
void(* Initialize)(void)
Pointer to MCCPx_Timer_Initialize or SCCPx_Timer_Initialize or TMRx_Initialize e.g....