47#include "sec_core_interface.h"
66#define MSIInterface_Initialize SEC_CORE1_Initialize
72#define MSIInterface_Deinitialize SEC_CORE1_Deinitialize
78#define MSIInterface_Program SEC_CORE1_Program
84#define MSIInterface_Strat SEC_CORE1_Strat
90#define MSIInterface_InterruptRequestGenerate SEC_CORE1_InterruptRequestGenerate
96#define MSIInterface_IsInterruptRequestAcknowledged SEC_CORE1_IsInterruptRequestAcknowledged
102#define MSIInterface_InterruptRequestComplete SEC_CORE1_InterruptRequestComplete
108#define MSIInterface_IsInterruptRequested SEC_CORE1_IsInterruptRequested
114#define MSIInterface_InterruptRequestAcknowledge SEC_CORE1_InterruptRequestAcknowledge
120#define MSIInterface_InterruptRequestAcknowledgeComplete SEC_CORE1_InterruptRequestAcknowledgeComplete
126#define MSIInterface_GetResetCause SEC_CORE1_GetResetCause
132#define MSIInterface_ResetCauseClear SEC_CORE1_ResetCauseClear
138#define MSIInterface_SystemStatusGet SEC_CORE1_SystemStatusGet
144#define MSIInterface_WriteFIFOEnable SEC_CORE1_WriteFIFOEnable
150#define MSIInterface_WriteFIFODisable SEC_CORE1_WriteFIFODisable
156#define MSIInterface_ReadFIFOEnable SEC_CORE1_ReadFIFOEnable
162#define MSIInterface_ReadFIFODisable SEC_CORE1_ReadFIFODisable
168#define MSIInterface_FIFORead SEC_CORE1_FIFORead
174#define MSIInterface_FIFOWrite SEC_CORE1_FIFOWrite
180#define MSIInterface_FIFOReadIsFull SEC_CORE1_FIFOReadIsFull
186#define MSIInterface_FIFOReadIsEmpty SEC_CORE1_FIFOReadIsEmpty
192#define MSIInterface_FIFOWriteIsFull SEC_CORE1_FIFOWriteIsFull
198#define MSIInterface_FIFOWriteIsEmpty SEC_CORE1_FIFOWriteIsEmpty
204#define MSIInterface_ProtocolWrite SEC_CORE1_ProtocolWrite
210#define MSIInterface_ProtocolRead SEC_CORE1_ProtocolRead
216#define MSIInterface_ProtocolIsFull SEC_CORE1_ProtocolIsFull
222#define MSIInterface_ProtocolIsEmpty SEC_CORE1_ProtocolIsEmpty
364 MSI1FIFOCSbits.WFEN = 1U;
375 MSI1FIFOCSbits.WFEN = 0U;
386 MSI1FIFOCSbits.RFEN = 1U;
397 MSI1FIFOCSbits.RFEN = 0U;
409 return(MSI1FIFOCSbits.RFFULL);
422 return(MSI1FIFOCSbits.RFEMPTY);
435 return(MSI1FIFOCSbits.WFFULL);
448 return(MSI1FIFOCSbits.WFEMPTY);
486 status = MSI1MBXSbits.DTRDYA;
489 status = MSI1MBXSbits.DTRDYB;
513 status = !MSI1MBXSbits.DTRDYA;
516 status = !MSI1MBXSbits.DTRDYB;
This is the generated driver types header file for the SEC_CORE driver.
void SEC_CORE1_InterruptRequestGenerate(void)
This routine generates interrupt to SEC_CORE1.
void SEC_CORE1_InterruptRequestAcknowledge(void)
This routine acknowledges interrupt received from SEC_CORE1.
uint16_t SEC_CORE1_FIFOWrite(uint16_t *pData, uint16_t wordCount)
This routine transfers FIFO data to SEC_CORE1.
enum SEC_CORE_RESET_CAUSE SEC_CORE1_GetResetCause(void)
This routine returns the cause for SEC_CORE1 reset.
Defines the sec_core reset cause enumeration.
static void SEC_CORE1_WriteFIFODisable(void)
This inline function Disables the Write FIFO.
uint16_t SEC_CORE1_FIFORead(uint16_t *pData, uint16_t wordCount)
This routine reads FIFO data sent from the SEC_CORE1.
void SEC_CORE1_Program(void)
This routine programs secondary.
void SEC_CORE1_InterruptRequestComplete(void)
This routine clears interrupt to SEC_CORE1.
static bool SEC_CORE1_ProtocolIsEmpty(enum SEC_CORE_PROTOCOLS protocolName)
This inline function checks whether mailbox is empty. Returns true if Protocol is empty indicating ma...
void SEC_CORE1_Start(void)
This routine enables secondary core.
const struct SEC_CORE_INTERFACE MSIInterface
Structure object of type SEC_CORE_INTERFACE with the custom name given by the user in the Melody Driv...
void SEC_CORE1_Initialize(void)
This routine initializes the MSI driver. This routine must be called before any other MSI routine is ...
bool SEC_CORE1_IsInterruptRequested(void)
This routine returns the status of interrupt request from the SEC_CORE1.
static bool SEC_CORE1_FIFOWriteIsEmpty(void)
This inline function checks whether the status of Write FIFO is Empty. Returns true if last write by ...
enum SEC_CORE_SYSTEM_STATUS SEC_CORE1_SystemStatusGet(void)
This routine returns Secondary system status.
bool SEC_CORE1_ProtocolWrite(enum SEC_CORE_PROTOCOLS protocolName, uint16_t *pData)
This routine writes data to mailbox.
bool SEC_CORE1_IsInterruptRequestAcknowledged(void)
This routine returns the status of interrupt request acknowledge from the SEC_CORE1.
static bool SEC_CORE1_FIFOReadIsEmpty(void)
This inline function checks whether the status of Read FIFO is Empty. Returns true if last read by Ma...
bool SEC_CORE1_ProtocolRead(enum SEC_CORE_PROTOCOLS protocolName, uint16_t *pData)
This routine reads data from mailbox.
void SEC_CORE1_InterruptRequestAcknowledgeComplete(void)
This routine clears acknowledge for interrupt received from SEC_CORE1.
Defines the status enumeration for sec_core.
static void SEC_CORE1_WriteFIFOEnable(void)
This inline function Enables the Write FIFO.
Defines the list of Protocols configured for SEC_CORE_driver.
static bool SEC_CORE1_ProtocolIsFull(enum SEC_CORE_PROTOCOLS protocolName)
This inline function checks whether mailbox is full. Returns true if new data are ready to read....
void SEC_CORE1_ResetCauseClear(enum SEC_CORE_RESET_CAUSE resetCause)
This routine clears the cause for SEC_CORE1 reset.
static bool SEC_CORE1_FIFOWriteIsFull(void)
This inline function checks whether the status of Write FIFO is Full. Returns true if last write by M...
void SEC_CORE1_Deinitialize(void)
Deinitializes SEC_CORE1 to POR values.
static bool SEC_CORE1_FIFOReadIsFull(void)
This inline function checks whether the status of Read FIFO is full. last write by Secondary core to ...
static void SEC_CORE1_ReadFIFODisable(void)
This inline function Disables the Read FIFO.
static void SEC_CORE1_ReadFIFOEnable(void)
This inline function Enables the Read FIFO.
Structure containing the function pointers of SEC_CORE driver.