9 #include "config/hal.h" 10 #include "app_power_control.h" 11 #include "drivers/v_loop.h" 27 void __attribute__((__interrupt__, auto_psv, context))_BOOST_VLOOP_Interrupt(
37 #if (PLANT_MEASUREMENT == false) 40 v_loop_PTermUpdate(&
volatile struct NPNZ16b_s * controller
pointer to control loop object data structure
void(* ctrl_Update)(volatile struct NPNZ16b_s *)
Function pointer to UPDATE routine.
volatile bool adc_active
Bit #1: indicating that ADC has been started and samples are taken.
volatile uint16_t control_output
BOOST most recent control output value.
volatile struct BOOST_LOOP_SETTINGS_s v_loop
BOOST voltage control loop object.
volatile struct BOOST_CONVERTER_DATA_s data
BOOST runtime data.
volatile struct BOOST_CONVERTER_STATUS_s status
BOOST operation status bits.